July 08, 2015


I believe exercise is one of the great gifts in the world today. It is energizing, and it helps us to feel and look our very best. So shouldn’t we do everything we can to get the most out of our workouts? How many of us actually know that what we ate last night and this morning can have a huge impact on the quality of our workout today? Yes, it is true, sports nutrition can ensure your diet will efficiently fuel your exercise- not slow it down.

In 1980 Shaklee Corporation became the official nutrition consultant to the U.S. Ski Team, where it engaged in comprehensive analysis of the diets of elite athletes, developing and testing products to support and help make landmark expeditions and record-breaking achievements possible. The research translated into sport specific dietary recommendations and the development of high performance nutritional sports products.  Shaklee Performance  which is clinically proven to hydrate better than water. In fact it has more electrolytes and provides more energy than the leading hydration drink. It comes in two flavors, Lemon-Lime and Natural Orange.

 Shaklee Physique supports muscle repair & helps rebuild firm, lean muscle. It has been clinically proven to naturally activate and enhance the body’s recovery process after exercise.

Dean Smith a former world-class runner, winning world champion gold medals at age of 86 has the following testimony.  Shaklee Performance and Physique helped me do what I wanted to do at the age of 70 Performance helped me have the strength and stamina to do mountain climbing out in Utah, and in the White Mountains of NH. I have definitely noticed the difference with strength and endurance when I take the product.
Bob from Underhill Vt has a Tennis story about using Shaklee Sports nutrition products for over 20 years. His focus and recovery using the products were amazing. He took them anytime he was looking for more energy and focus to get through a task or adventure. Shaklee’sPerformance, Physique, Energy Chews, Base Nutrients like Vita Lea, EnergizingProtein will really raise the level of you game no matter what game that may be.